The Aim

Conducting of complex scientific analytical surveys for realization of great possibilities, which are available in Kazakhstan energy sector. Submission of reliable immersions into political risks of the sector and its correct interpretation for the purpose to avoid missed opportunities, improvement of operational efficiency of companies applying to work in oil and gas sector of Kazakhstan. In the developed models a complex set of external and internal relations is implemented, including production plan of sectors and its companies, and financial resources for their realization in uncertain environment of external and internal factors of sectors development (prices, and demand at external and internal markets, gas supply possibility for the population, status of sectors’ resource bases and etc.)

Consultations on the issues of political factors influence on oil and gas business development. The emphasis will be on experts of the Center, since now there is an invasion of non-experts in this area with unrevised sources, with lack of knowledge about global and regional energy at all.
Become an adviser in own practice on the issues like – what is the potential of political and economical relations between the countries of Central Asia? What are regional prospects for cooperation in energy sector? Are there any untapped opportunities?
The main thing is that population and concerned investors would get authentic information that is worded clearly as possible for everyone. Pay attention to all the Clients on qualified decision of issues related to government regulations in oil and gas sector.
The principle aim is to give clear vision to the Client about goals and strategies of power in energy sector of Kazakhstan.